A mug hug a day keeps the boredom away. These came from “Twenty to Make Knitted Mug Hugs” by Val Pierce.
Open Sunflower Mug Hug. Open Cottage Garden Mug Hug
Leaf Fall Sunflowers Highland Hugs Fair Isle Hearts
This is the pattern book.

A mug hug a day keeps the boredom away. These came from “Twenty to Make Knitted Mug Hugs” by Val Pierce.
This is the pattern book.
Who am I? I am different things to different people. I am a poet, a visual artist, a sculptor of found objects, and a writer. I am a bookkeeper, an office manager, an administrator and software support consultant, even a short-order cook and barista. I am a parent, a grandparent, a sibling, a cousin and a friend. I am a traveller, a technophile, a philosopher and a student of all things.