They don’t pick me up on ANZAC Day
To head their grand parade
And if I march it’s at the rear
Where the crowd is tired and slow to cheer
On ANZAC Day I’m mentioned not
On ANZAC Day, at best, I’m forgot
Of Simpson and his donkey
You’ll hear the story told
Of desert sand and trenches
And those who grow not old
They’ll speak of those who followed
Our Nations baptism of blood
Another time, another place
And still more bloody mud
Sometimes they’ll mention in aside
That others served who are not recognised
But I have never heard my story told
Well I am an ANZAC warrior too
Battle tested, found True Blue
But they don’t pick me up on ANZAC Day
To head their grand parade
And if I march it’s at the rear
Where the crowd is tired and slow to cheer
On ANZAC Day I’m mentioned not
An ANZAC Day, at best, I’m forgot
CJ 1999