Fri. Mar 7th, 2025
Chocolate Box

My last and final block for this challenge! It was a simple but rewarding pattern. It comes from “200 Crochet blocks for blankets, throws and afghans” by Jan Eaton on page 95.

When I began this personal challenge it was a 52 blocks a year project so, one a week. I quickly fell away from the challenge as the one thing I can’t do is maintain a routine for a long period of time. I just worked out that this time around it has taken 71 weeks, so a bit more than 52 and I was only able to complete it because I didn’t pressure myself with a time frame.

When I came across it a couple of years later I decided to simplify it and meld it to my own character. I changed it to fifty Granny Squares and removed the weekly element. I do things in binges so I may crochet like mad for a couple of weeks then knit like a twit for the next few weeks. If you have explored my website you will know that I also write poetry and prose as well as dabble in photography.

WordPress to the rescue. At the beginning of the Global Pandemic I upgraded my website and realised that I can work in binges but schedule the posts to give my website the kind of ongoing routine I am unable to maintain myself.

When working through my original blocks and reworking them in my new palette I accidentally made the wrong variation of one block and so used it twice, so to speak. In continued to choose 10 squares from each book and so found myself finishing with 51 squares. My obstinate nature does not like odd numbers so I added this final block making my total 52 blocks after all.

Now, the next challenge for me is how to arrange them into a useful object. I am thinking of a rug but let’s see where I wind up now.


Who am I? I am different things to different people. I am a poet, a visual artist, a sculptor of found objects, and a writer. I am a bookkeeper, an office manager, an administrator and software support consultant, even a short-order cook and barista. I am a parent, a grandparent, a sibling, a cousin and a friend. I am a traveller, a technophile, a philosopher and a student of all things.

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