Tue. Jan 21st, 2025
Fuchsia Square

This is rated difficult and I had some difficulty with it. I have said multiple times that I like a challenge and this is no exception. I had to concentrate fully and work carefully, I even had to unpick and redo the first two rounds of the third colour. It was worth it in the end.

The thing I like about this project is that each square, no matter how difficult, challenging, or even boring, is only a small bite sized piece. I can start and finish on the same day and I can undo and redo any part or all of it without any great pain on my part. It’s really a lot of fun.

This block can be found in “75 Crocheted Floral Blocks” by Betty Barnden on page 78


Who am I? I am different things to different people. I am a poet, a visual artist, a sculptor of found objects, and a writer. I am a bookkeeper, an office manager, an administrator and software support consultant, even a short-order cook and barista. I am a parent, a grandparent, a sibling, a cousin and a friend. I am a traveller, a technophile, a philosopher and a student of all things.

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